BEHOLD – 14/5/18

This anthology is a rich and varied menu of surprise, reverence, love and longing, colour and humour. The poems also reflect Don’s faith and his appreciation and love of God’s creation and, if we pay attention, His many signs of grace to us in His world. Read these poems aloud and savour them.

Hope Whispers review

Hope Whispers

Edited by Janette Fernando and Maree Silver

 Poetica Christi Press, 2017

ISBN : 978-0-9941640-6-3

 Reviewed by Ian Keast

 “ I hope that…”  “ We hope in…”

To possess and express hope is intrinsic to our being human. Our hope, whether as noun or verb, opens to broad and diverse landscape: sun-basking peaks to darkening valleys. We have hope in someone or something, be that in – relationship; an idea; a way of life; creation’s richness; a dream; a wish; an event; family; a place; a plan; the arts ; and so on…There is the ‘sure and certain’ hope of being in Christ through grace.

To be hope-full is to be marked by- anticipation; optimism; desire; expectation; aspiration…And, above all, a longing that whispers, (in C.S.Lewis’s words), that our real goal is elsewhere.

 This Anthology contains poems that travel across this varying landscape. They are poems submitted to Poetica Christi’s Competition for 2016, Hope whispers. As in previous years, the winning poem, “ Eternity “ and the runner-up, “ Radicalised” , are included, as well as other entries. The Anthology not only contains the “ food “ for our travelling ; it looks good. The striking cover artwork by Nick Costello stirs the imagination; appropriate photographs are also part of the book’s layout.

Once again, PoeticaChristi Press and the Editors, Janette Fernando and Maree Silver, are to be congratulated in producing this fine Anthology. Here are different poems in style and subject, infused with hope. Many resonated with this reviewer, but if I had to choose one which embodies many of the varying aspects of hope – place, time, feeling, ambience, echoes, longing, and so on, it is, “ Carillon, Sydney University, “ ( Kate O’Neil ), and these lines, especially,  … marking time/ until the hour/ when sudden bells/ ring out resurrection./ Listen, wake, rise,/ feel jubilation,/ feel alive./ Ring bells, ring./ Renew. Revive./This is music for the world… With a quietness and gentleness, this poem, ( as do all the poems ), draws you in, invites you to read…to listen…to look up…and reflect…